Smudging with.... "THE SAGE METHOD"!

Could you hear it? The Megaphone voice behind "THE SAGE METHOD" ... no. ok well, I heard it when I wrote it, and anyway, it's not actually called the sage method. It's just saging, or smudging, it's widely known, and you've probably at least heard of it. BUT... do you know the why's?
-Why does the space feel so clear and uplifted?
-Why do I feel lighter and happier after filling my space with billowing smoke from burning a pile of stinky sticks?
Good question, and... it's not stinky, I love the scent but, I've decided to add this here bit of info to clarify once and for all.
If you've ever watched an exorcism movie, doesn't matter which one, any movie with a ghost or demon, you have seen a priest of some sort run around splashing holy water everywhere, I can assure you, that's not what I'm talking about here. However, to be clear, I am not denying holy water when done correctly. Holy water may be a vital part of any demonic clearing that you should be seeking help for.
What I am talking about is a little different...While smudging is well known, there's an endless variety of materials and blends used for various results, Palo Santo, Mugwart and Dragons blood for example. If you shop online or find your local Witch shop, they will most definitely have other smudging options too, ask which are used for what and decide which feels right for you.
Smudging with White Sage for example reduces depression and anxiety. The aroma can have a calming effect.
Your "space" is filled with moving ions, positive and negative. Which of course are from the Universe and all the varying energies of you, your family, and any and all other people and things in the area. Energy can become stagnant, or low vibration, which gives a heavy "feeling" that can affect us in various ways. Sage can help release the negative ions from the "web" of energy. Once the weight is gone, the remaining energies, your family, animals, house plants (literally everything), will blend at a basic hum. You can actually feel the difference as less pressure or less stuck. You can become uplifted as the energy in your space lightens from losing the drag.
If you've been feeling heavy or down, and your space is feeling dingy and low vibe...smudge!
-Why does the space feel so clear and uplifted?
-Why do I feel lighter and happier after filling my space with billowing smoke from burning a pile of stinky sticks?
Good question, and... it's not stinky, I love the scent but, I've decided to add this here bit of info to clarify once and for all.
If you've ever watched an exorcism movie, doesn't matter which one, any movie with a ghost or demon, you have seen a priest of some sort run around splashing holy water everywhere, I can assure you, that's not what I'm talking about here. However, to be clear, I am not denying holy water when done correctly. Holy water may be a vital part of any demonic clearing that you should be seeking help for.
What I am talking about is a little different...While smudging is well known, there's an endless variety of materials and blends used for various results, Palo Santo, Mugwart and Dragons blood for example. If you shop online or find your local Witch shop, they will most definitely have other smudging options too, ask which are used for what and decide which feels right for you.
Smudging with White Sage for example reduces depression and anxiety. The aroma can have a calming effect.
Your "space" is filled with moving ions, positive and negative. Which of course are from the Universe and all the varying energies of you, your family, and any and all other people and things in the area. Energy can become stagnant, or low vibration, which gives a heavy "feeling" that can affect us in various ways. Sage can help release the negative ions from the "web" of energy. Once the weight is gone, the remaining energies, your family, animals, house plants (literally everything), will blend at a basic hum. You can actually feel the difference as less pressure or less stuck. You can become uplifted as the energy in your space lightens from losing the drag.
If you've been feeling heavy or down, and your space is feeling dingy and low vibe...smudge!
*If you are local (NH & surrounding) and are looking to have a clearing of your home, send me a request by choosing "House Clearing" on the contacts page.